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Education As A Personal Formation Process

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Education is really a conscious effort to ready students in order to think actively and positively inside the lives of current and future education like a process of personal formation is defined being an activity that is systematic and systematic and purposeful learners kerpibadian pda formation. Systematic therefore the educational process happens through stages berkersinambungan or (procedural) happens inside a systemic and hence the circumstances happens Altogether, Altogether environments co-exist (home environment, school, and community). The entire process of personal formation for people WHO Have not grown by Those who've grown it Themselves, the latter self-education (Formen cells), and it is a must for all Those who've grown up but required the presence of self-development in an effort to boost the quality of personality synchronously using the increasing challenges of life changing the educational environment known called education throughout life. Educational establishment includes penddidikan copyright feeling and intention, (cognitive, effective and psychomotor) that is consistent using the physical development. 

Education personalities Occurs through an extended process, the entire process of personality formation will Happen if done better coming from the establishment of production and reproduction of reason, nature, life, and Also the influence from background. Given this very berjutaan with the knowledge that's keeping the emotional self and soul. Inside the good thing is that the obligation of parents to instill important Generally provide a good personality suport WHO REMAIN students are relatively easy and do not know the significance of doing good life, It's suitably performed in children early so used to behave with decorum one another in social skills. To start out ordinary parents by teaching to Become filial to parents, to Ensure the child later that others can respect the older self-education (self-forming) to both is natural, and it is a must for all Those who've grown up are needed but the events of the self so the quality of personality given simultaneously using the increasing challenges of life inside an ever-changing environment inside the know education is known as education throughout life. Copyright mencankup educational establishment feeling and intention formation, (cognitive, effective and psychomotor) that is consistent using the physical development. In the positioning of Humans to be hyper-connected, the event includes a private establishment of adaptation towards the environment, to ourselves And also to God. 

Thus Spake we will conclude that education is the hard work done with patience and planned (incrementally) in increasing the potential learners in aspects in the direction of the formation of personality and learning methods NAMAs to carry out his duties so that they can Achieve a very good safety and happiness for later life, an order directed to something useful or good through this knowledge. 

In undergoing something we wish to undergo the method, without having the desired process Is not Reached, private education like a process of formation of the we will establish a very good life personality, this knowledge is closely related to the life we live now. The life that many of us face includes a modern, so it ought to be in a position to do business with. And do not be Easily influenced from the culture of other States, remains dedicated to the culture that weve, keep being yourself.


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