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Causes of Low Quality of Education in Indonesia

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

1. Learning only in textbooks

In Indonesia has changed some of the CBC became SBC curriculum. Almost every minister to replace the old curriculum with the new curriculum. But is there any different from learning conditions in schools? No, because of lessons at school from the old days still wearing curriculum textbooks. Since the era of 60-70s, learning in the classroom is not much different from the previous. Whatever the curriculum, the teacher knows only textbooks. Paket material in the reference books and teachers do not find another reference source.

2. Teaches One Direction

Learning methods may be the only one favorite teacher, the one-way lecture method. Because it is easy and light lecturing, without capital, without power, without elaborate preparation. Lecture method be the method used most teachers because that's the only method that actually controlled the majority of teachers. Have teachers around the school to encourage children to learn? Have teachers bring their students to experiment in the natural environment? Or have teachers take a scientist to come directly to the class explaining profession?

3. Lack Means Learning

Actually, that's enough government attention, but is still insufficient. There are many means of learning in some schools in particular regions, trailing far behind a learning tool in schools that are in the city.

4. Binding rules

It's about the Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC). School should have its own curriculum according to their characteristics.

5. Teachers do not Instilling Discussion Two-Way

Look at the learning in the classroom. Seems to have been made ​​uniform. Children sit neatly, hands folded on the table, listening to the teacher explain. as if the Son "forced" to listen and get information from the morning until noon, not to mention there are schools that implement Full Days. Children are taught how to listen and listening to the teacher, while competence ask untouched. Children are trained from kindergarten to silent when the teacher explained, to listen to the teacher. As a result, students are not trained to ask. Students are not accustomed to ask, as a result students do not dare ask. Finished teaching, the teacher asks the children to ask questions. Heninglah classroom atmosphere. Which usually ask the children alone.


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